Cleaning products

How to Clean Ponte Giulio Products

As the COVID-19 virus travels around the world, our distributors and customers may ask how to clean Ponte Giulio grab bars, shower seats and other bathroom safety products.
Each product may have different recommendations based on the materials used to manufacture the item. To check a specific product, consult the technical data sheet located on our website at for specific instructions.
However, we can offer the following basic cleaning instructions:

    1.Wipe product using a soft, moist cloth soaked with liquid soap and warm water.
    2.Non-abrasive cleaners like 409 or Fantastic diluted with water may be used.
    3.Do not use abrasive or grainy cleaners, abrasive detergents, strong acids or chlorine bleach since they will not improve the cleaning of the equipment and may lead to finish, color or product deterioration.
    4.Rinse with clean water.
    5.Dry with a clean, soft cloth

This cleaning procedure can be done as often as necessary. Items that are used daily should be cleaned after use.
Handwashing recommendations from the CDC should be followed including washing hands often with soap for at least 20 seconds, especially after using the restroom, before eating or preparing food and after coughing or sneezing and avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.
Ponte Giulio offers anti-microbial products that are manufactured with BioCote® Silver Ion technology, which is a permanent protection against bacteria and fungi. The vinyl in Contractor and Maxima is easy to clean, just wipe with warm water and a soft cloth and they are clean. BioCote® reduces microbes by up to 99.9% making them much more hygienic and defending the surface against degradation, odors and staining. BioCote® protects against the following:

· Escheria coli
· Streptococcus
· Salmonella
· Listeria
· Legionella
· Shigella
· Aspergillus brasiliensis and Aspergillus niger (fungi)

Claning surfaces
Claning surfaces
Bacteria image
Bacteria image