Safe bathrooms for elderly people

Safe environments: increasingly necessary for elder people

Grab bars, stools and inclusive showers can help elderly people to make their bathrooms functional and safe. Covid 19 has highlighted the fragility of a large part of our society: elderly people who are the historical memory of our countries, our family, our grandparents or parents. We often forget that the fragility of the over 70s, exposes them to critical situations, especially in the environment in which they spend the greatest part of the day: their home.

Among the domestic environments, the bathroom is the space in which it is easier to lose balance or slip. For this reason, Ponte Giulio has been working for decades to make bathrooms as safe as possible, without sacrificing the aesthetics, which are important aspects too.

Making a bathroom safe is not a long or expensive process. Just a few small changes are enough to make the environment functional and free of danger. A first step, and perhaps the most expensive, may be to replace the bathtub with a shower, which equals to breaking down the biggest barrier for a person with difficulty of movement. Today, however, this can be done in just a few hours and through a non-invasive intervention. With flush-with-the-floorshower trays, adaptable in shape and size, it is possible to have a comfortable, elegant and easy to clean shower environment.

Another fundamental complement for a safe bathroom and shower, are the grab bars. Made from quality raw materials and designed to last over time, they are available with an external vinyl coating or with surface treatment such as painting, polishing, satin-finishing or chrome-plating.

Grab bars are available in many different colors and can be complemented with shelves, containers or mirrors.
Other essential complements for the safety of the bathroom, are the seats, useful not only for the shower area, but for the washbasin space too. They are offered with innovative shapes and a range of trendy colors. They are refined and match with any decor. For those who want a seat to be used only in the shower, there are models to be fixed to the wall, foldable and that can be equipped with a backrest and armrests.

For those unwilling to give up the pleasure of a relaxing bath, Ponte Giulio proposes bathtubs with an inward or outward door opening. Both versions allow to take a shower or a bath in complete safety. Those with the door opening outwards are recommended for people with slight motor limitations and with a large bathroom environment. Those with the door opening inwards instead, are more suitable for people with good capacity of movement and who do not have particularly large bathroom environments.

Finally, for those looking for a shower column that combines elegance, practicality and safety, Ponte Giulio proposes SOLO, which besides being a comfortable shower with a wide and easy-to-clean shower head and a multifunction hand-shower, it has a column body and a thermostatic mixer that remain cold even in the presence of very hot water, thanks to an innovative canalization system.

In a household where there are elderly people too, it is also necessary to take into account those who assist them. Our company has designed small accessories that allow to carry out the daily cleaning actions in an easy and comfortable way. Double-door shower enclosure, curtain rods that can be installed at any height and the washbasins with a wide support surface or with elbow rests.

Ponte Giulio: Safe bathroom for happy elderly people.