Maria Lindbergh Toilet Talk

Why to install Grab Bars in the Shower…

Professional OT Maria Lindbergh explains that “It is better Safe than Sorry"

Maria Lindbergh, an occupational therapist and home modification specialist, in this video, which is part of her “Toilet Talk” heading, tackles why people resist installing grab bars in their home BEFORE they fall.

It could be procrastination or feeling like “it won’t happen to me”, but the truth is thousands of people do fall in their bathroom every year and require a trip to the emergency room. That can be a painful and expensive experience that installing grab bars could help prevent. And it isn’t just “old people” who fall – a slip in the bathroom can injure anyone – toddler, child, teen, adult or older adult.

When driving a car, we strap children into car seats and wear our seatbelts. We do this to help PREVENT injury before an accident. Installing grab bars in a slippery bathroom is the same thing. Grab bars help PREVENT injury before a slip or fall. Grab bars are the seatbelt of the bathroom!

Why wait? If a family member or friend were to fall in the bathroom, most people would recommend they add a grab bar, so the next time they slip they would not fall. Why wait and REACT after there has been an injury? Take that good advice, and install a grab bar in the bathroom today – before there is a fall and injury.
The old saying, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” applies here too.

We thank Occupational Therapist and home modification specialist Maria Lindbergh for demonstrating our product’s features and functions. If you would like to discover more about Maria’s profession go to: ToiletTalk