Focusing on the shower area, in particular the shower tray

Regardless of the context, it offers considerable safety advantages

When setting up a shower area, the shower tray is an essential component, even if a duct could be adopted as an alternative. However, the shower tray is a solution that offers the greatest advantages and safety regardless of the context, whether it be a completely new bathroom or a renovated one.

In the past, the classic white ceramic shower tray was available and the choice would have been very simple. In recent years, through fashion and technological evolution, shower trays in other materials have come onto the market. Obviously, the best shower tray doesn't exist, and any choice has advantages and disadvantages. The choice can be heavily conditioned by the context in which it will be installed, but also by technical or aesthetic reasons. Let us try and identify which materials, and therefore which shower trays, are available today, indicating their advantages and disadvantages.

Check the data sheets of Ponte Giulio shower trays.

Shower tray with recessed reinforcement profile
Shower tray with recessed reinforcement profile
Rectangular shower tray with raised points
Rectangular shower tray with raised points
Square shower tray with raised points
Square shower tray with raised points
Shower tray with grid drain
Shower tray with grid drain

Acrylic stone shower tray
Acrylic stone shower tray
Acrylic stone, round shower tray
Acrylic stone, round shower tray
Acrylic stone shower tray
Acrylic stone shower tray
Shower tray
Shower tray

Level-access shower tray
Level-access shower tray
Level-access shower tray
Level-access shower tray
Shower train with removable corner edge
Shower train with removable corner edge
Level-access shower tray with horizontal drain
Level-access shower tray with horizontal drain

Level-access shower tray
Level-access shower tray