Panorama di Orvieto

The experience and the culture of the bathroom

Ponte Giulio has concentrated its activity in the bathroom sector, which is used for both public and private purposes, offering a wide range of products and solutions. Forty years dedicated with passion and professionalism to the development of products that can guarantee a safe and comfortable use to every user.
Interno bagno privato
What we have done so far represents our past but also the foundations on which to set the future, because we are convinced that the bathroom environment, especially in the private sector, is desired safe, barrier-free, suitable to meet the needs of every family, from children to the elderly, not forgetting the disabled. Our aim is to help remove any element that may create discrimination; disability should no longer be seen as a limitation, but rather as a different way of using an environment.
Interno bagno professionale
Our vision combines the concept of wellbeing and security in order to simultaneously meet the housing needs and the needs of several generations of users to strive for \"age friendly\" and \"inclusive design\". The same attention is paid to those who, for various reasons, are involved in the configuration of environments; Ponte Giulio intends to reinterpret its offer through a series of proposals suitable for every style and need of bathroom furniture. Solutions and products that are recognizable for the taste and attention to detail typical of Made in Italy.
interno bagno privato