The acrylic stone is a non-absorbent, non-porous solid surface composite material does not discolour when exposed to direct sunlight, the colours remain unchanged in the years.
It has long-lasting life and a great capability of withstanding the rigours of daily use.
These qualities make acrylic stone the ideal solution for almost any indoor or outdoor application, offering a wide variety of shapes, sizes and colours.
Eco-friendly Its mineral and acrylic resin composition, the low-consumption production process and zero waste machining give the material a high ecorating.
Uniform surface The possible hidden joins give the impression of a single, solid block, even where the machining and installation are particularly difficult or elaborated.
Hygienic Acrylic stone is a non-toxic material which does not produce surfactants, and has a non-porous surface with no visible joins. Ponte Giulio focuses on machining techniques avoiding sharp edges for an easy cleaning.
Long-lasting The surface can be easily cleaned using water, a drop of detergent and a cloth. To remove any scratches, all you need is a Scotch Brite or similar sponge or a fine sandpaper.
High-resistantAcrylic stone shows a very high resistance when exposed to most chemical agents, does not discolour when exposed to UV-rays and has an excellent mechanical strength.
Repairable Deep scratches or serious damages resulting from improper use can be repaired, either on-site or at our factory.