Inclusive bath for a sweetest home

An inclusive home is the secret to eternal youth

Shower seats and grab bars make the bathroom suitable for people of all ages

The percentage of older people is increasing everywhere in the world. In the United States for example, 16% of the total population is over 65. It is interesting to stress that the part of population that grows faster is represented by the over-85 and over-100.

More and more people are unwilling to end their life in a nursing home. Instead, they prefer to stay at home and adapt their house to their changing needs.

First things first, it is necessary to remove architectural barriers, in order to make the rooms safe in order to guarantee autonomy, especially in the bathroom, where 8% of accidents happen.

Secondly, how can you make the bathroom safe? Ponte Giulio, who has been developing bathroom safety products for over 45 years, believes that with some quick changes, it is possible to feel safe and use the bathroom easily.

It is very important to install grab bars near the toilet, the sink and the shower, to avoid the risk of falls and to better move around the room. At the same time it is important to have a taller toilet, an ergonomic sink and a step-free shower tray. And, last but not least, a shower seat.

Quality products which stand up to the rigors of daily use and look great in the bathroom and which are designed for functionality and safety. That includes having a load capacity that works for the user.

For example, talking about seats and grab bars, they must have a load capacity that works for the user and they have to be mounted into studs or blockings in the wall to insure a safe installation. The use of superior materials – like stainless steel – add to both strength and durability. Thanks to Biocote Technology, some of the Ponte Giulio’s grab bars and seats are antimicrobial too.

It is very important to make the home inclusive after the 60th, not only to feel safe (slips and falls are the main domestic accidents) but above all to feel completely independent, even when movement abilities are reduced, so to savor the sweetness of the home.

As Billie Burke said… “Age is of no importance, unless you are a cheese!”.

A safe bathroom for a senior-friendly home